
On/Off-site Backlog Services

Many enterprises in the region suffer the enormous quantity of paper documents that are needed for processing and for storage. Although many enterprises start to implement Enterprise Content Management Solutions in order to reduce the quantity of paper documents in addition to other benefits of ECM solutions, Yet these systems need to have the backlog of paper documents migrated into their databases. Pixel Digital Systems provides its customers with the service of backlog scanning in order to boost the implementation of new ECM solutions and to increase the ROI of such systems in shorter periods. Backlog scanning includes paper documents analysis, preparation, scanning, indexing and migration into ECM databases.

Pixel Digital Systems has paid a great deal of attention to Backlog on a huge number of documents. Pixel Digital Systems has established a special department in which it has made significant investments including the hiring of a large number of specialized technical employees both from Arab countries and from inside UAE. Over 20 specialized employees in different work areas, including document preparation, restoration, classification, indexing and data entry are under the company's sponsorship.

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